1000 word introduction to a curated thematic collection of 5–7 VAR articles from the archive
Virtual issue proposals may be solicited directly by editors or suggested by potential curators.
Submission Portal
Please submit all materials through ScholarOne. It is important to note that all revisions, re-submissions, and communication with authors about their manuscript are facilitated through ScholarOne. Authors are encouraged to check spam/junk folders for filtered emails from Wiley, ScholarOne, and the editors.
Required Components for Virtual Issues
All Virtual Issue submissions must include:
Title Page. This document is not for peer-review and should include the following:
Curator Information Include the name, affiliation, and email of the virtual issue curator. In the case of multiple curators, be sure to identify who the corresponding curator will be.
Virtual Issue Title We encourage curators to include important keywords (ideally within the first 65 characters) and to keep titles short to enhance their discoverability. For tips, consult Wiley Author Services.
Keywords (5 words). These are critical terms that summarize highlights, themes, and content from the virtual issue.
List of Articles (5–7 VAR articles) The curator should provide complete citations, including DOIs, for each of the articles included in the proposed virtual issue.
Curator Bio(s) (<50 words) If including current institutional affiliation, education, positions held, and/or relevant publication for each curator, please describe in narrative form rather than parenthetical.
Virtual Issue Introdution. (1000 words, including notes and bibliography, follow VAR Style Guide) Upload this as the “Main Document” in ScholarOne. The introduction needs to clearly articulate the thematic focus of the virtual issue, why this juxtaposition of past VAR articles is compelling now, and how the concept and/or theme’s treatment have changed over time.
Review Process & Decision Timeline
Once the virtual issue is received through ScholarOne, it will be reviewed by the co-editors who will render a decision typically within three weeks. Once accepted, curators will work with the editors on final copyediting via First Look in ScholarOne. Final revisions must conform to VAR Style or they will be returned. Virtual issues are scheduled to run throughout the year and are not tied to the print publication dates.
All submissions must be made through ScholarOne.
Before you submit, please ensure you have checked the following
Proofread & Anonymize
Pay particular attention to spelling and grammar. Common errors include run-on sentences and paragraphs, failure to cite appropriately, and lack of subject-verb agreement.
Anonymize your submission materials by removing your name from the text and bibliography (replacing it with Author) and any metadata (e.g., track changes, file name) in your files .
Spelling & Punctuation
US, rather than British or Australian. Conform to the first spelling in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. In the event that non-US spelling appears in a quotation used in text of the submission, leave spelling as-is. For punctuation, please follow the guidelines in the Chicago Manual of Style.
Citations & Length
Follow the Chicago Manual of Style’s Author-Date format, using in-text citations and a list of references at the end of the text. Citations are political: credit the sources you consult and be inclusive in your citational practices.
Any submission greater than 7,000 words in length (including figures, tables, references, and endnotes) will not be considered.
If you have any questions, please contact the VAR Editorial Assistant.
Article Preparation Support
Wiley Editing Services offers expert help with English Language Editing, as well as translation, manuscript formatting, figure illustration, figure formatting, and graphical abstract design—so you can submit your manuscript with confidence.
Also, check out our resources for Preparing Your Article for general guidance about writing and preparing your manuscript.
Article Promotion Support
Wiley Editing Services offers professional video, design, and writing services to create shareable video abstracts, infographics, conference posters, lay summaries, and research news stories for your research— so you can help your research get the attention it deserves.
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