Visual Anthropology Review is an essential publication for scholars of visual and cultural anthropology as well as students and professionals in fine arts, performing arts, design, and communication.


As the journal of the Society for Visual Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association, Visual Anthropology Review promotes the discussion of visual studies, broadly conceived.

Within its breadth, visual anthropology includes both the study of visual aspects of cultural lives and experience, and the use of visual techniques and technologies in anthropological research, representation and teaching.

The journal highlights innovative forms of ethnographic production and anthropological practice that explore the potentialities of sensory scholarship.


We welcome articles, reviews, and commentary on the use of multimedia, still photography, film, video and non-camera generated images, as well as on visual ideologies, Indigenous media, applied visual anthropology, graphic novels, art practice, design, dance, architecture, and material culture. We welcome submissions that rethink the meaning of cultural and theoretical visualization. Learn how to submit your work here.