The Society for Visual Anthropology invites applications for the co-editorship of its journal, Visual Anthropology Review (VAR). The new co-editor would shadow the current editors October–November 2023 and assume full co-editor responsibilities at the beginning of December 2023. The typical period for a co-editorship is three years.
As Co-Editor-in-Chief of the journal, you will have an opportunity to curate theoretical conversations and new forms of representation in visual anthropology. VAR’s recent redesign reflects its attention to sensoria, form, and multimodal works. The incoming co-editor must have an interest in developing new voices and ideas in anthropology, be able to creatively and collaboratively approach contemporary challenges in academic publishing, and be committed to the design of form-sensitive scholarship.
To apply for the position, email a letter of intent (outlining your experience and what you hope to accomplish as co-editor) and CV to the current co-editors: Darcie DeAngelo (darcie.deangelo@gmail.com) and Lee Douglas (l.douglas@gold.ac.uk). You can also direct any questions about the position to them. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning September 1, with short-listed candidates invited to interview via Zoom in mid- to late-September.
Expected Qualifications:
A PhD in Anthropology and a background of teaching, research, and publishing in fields related to visual anthropology.
Proven organizational and editorial skills.
Effective communication and collaboration skills.
Experience working as part of a diverse team.
Desired Qualifications:
Experience with layout and design (Adobe Creative Suite).
Interest and/or experience in open access publishing.
Co-Editor Responsibilities:
Edit the journal under the protocols established by Wiley-Blackwell and the American Anthropological Association.
Work with Wiley-Blackwell to maintain the established workflow, to meet the deadlines and copy requirements for two issues per year.
Work with the American Anthropological Association to keep pace with best practices in publishing and peer review. Solicit articles and suggest ideas for special sections, articles, and features.
Receive articles and manage them through the review process on an ongoing basis using ScholarOne. This involves maintaining records on each submitted article; engaging two reviewers for anonymized peer review for each article; reading the submitted articles and the peer reviews and contacting the authors as to the final decision.
Supervise and recruit, as needed, the VAR editorial assistant and/or design assistant.
Work with the VAR editorial assistant and design assistant to contribute, update, and maintain content on VAR website, hosted on SquareSpace.
Work with website managers from Wiley-Blackwell to contribute, update, and maintain content online, including video and other multi-media content.
Attend publishing, editorial, and SVA Board meetings during the annual AAA conference over the duration of the co-editorship, as well as regular VAR Editorial Office meetings.
About the Journal. As the journal of the Society for Visual Anthropology, a section of the American Anthropological Association, Visual Anthropology Review promotes the discussion of visual studies, broadly conceived. The journal highlights innovative forms of ethnographic production and anthropological practice that explore the potentialities of sensory scholarship, including articles, reviews, and commentary on the use of multimedia, still photography, film, video and non-camera generated images, as well as on visual ideologies, Indigenous media, applied visual anthropology, graphic novels, art practice, design, dance, architecture, and material culture. We regularly feature work that rethinks the meaning of cultural and theoretical visualization.
About the Editorial Office. VAR is a biannual academic, peer-reviewed journal that publishes approximately 12–15 articles per year. The co-editors are assisted by the journal’s two review editors (film and exhibition, book and electronic media) and two assistants (editorial and design). It is an essential publication for scholars of visual and cultural anthropology, as well as students and professionals in fine arts, performing arts, design, and communication. Read more about our office here.